Somewhere In Africa!! Shocking Photo Of Woman Washing Utensils And A Child Defecating In The Same Lake!!

Here’s a picture of a woman washing kitchen utensils while another one washes a child who had defecated in Lake Edward at Kayanja landing site in Kasese, Uganda. A little research also revealed that Lake Edward act as a central point for fish trade and fishing.
Say something?

7 Disturbing Things To Know About Being Black In Modern Day Egypt!!

Black Egyptians experience racism daily.
In their article, “Being black in Egypt,” Imogen Lambert and Nada Ramadan, two writers for al-Araby al-Jadeed, convey that those of the Black community in Egypt are deemed “inferior [minorities], subjecting them to varying degrees of racial discrimination and degrading treatment.” Furthermore, another article published by Aljazeera declares that there is “long-standing racism that threatens the security and livelihoods of Egypt’s [sizable] sub-Saharan population.”

Racial discrimination is not criminalized in Egypt.
Very little is done to take a legal stance against the discrimination that Black Egyptians are subject to on a daily basis. In fact, Lambert and Ramadan state the following when discussing the legality of racial discrimination: “The Egyptian constitution prohibits any form of discrimination, including based on skin color. However, the law does not [criminalize] racial discrimination. If you were subjected to racist treatment, the best you can do is attempt to press charges of libel or slander.”
Racial slurs are commonly directed towards Black people in public places.
The terms “chocalata” and “samara” are often used to refer to those of the Black community in Egypt. However, according to the article, term “zarboon,” meaning slave, is also commonly used

Black women are often treated as if they are promiscuous.
Black Egyptian women are often treated as inferior concubines. In fact, a 2013 governmental survey determined that 99.3 percent of Egyptian women have been sexually assaulted at one time or another. According to the al-Araby al-Jadeedarticle, Fatma Ali, a Sudanese writer, confirms that the treatment of Black women is “especially bad due to perceptions of ‘easiness’.” She bluntly states the following: “It goes without saying that they believe all [Black] girls are naturally prostitutes.”

Colorism is openly practiced and, for most part, upheld.
Lambert and Ramadan write that “the degree of racism that [Black] people in Egypt are exposed to often depends on how dark their skin is.” Moreover, in his essay, “The ‘Black Pharaohs’ Fallacy: Misinterpretations of Kush-Kemet Identity,” Tristan Samuels delves into the reality of “intraracial colorism.” He describes it as “hierarchy within a racial group based on skin color.” This notion, no doubt, influences modern-day Egypt. It is for this reason that Abdel Rahman Sherif said the following when interviewed by Lambert and Ramadan: “Black Egyptians are subjected to less racial discrimination than [Sub-Saharan] African immigrants are. Racist Egyptians [try to] tell the difference based on the facial features and the varying shades of skin color.”

Black Egyptians are often subject to police brutality.
As mentioned before, Black Egyptians receive little protection. This reality is also evident in regards to law enforcement. In fact, police officers are often the individuals responsible for inflicting the harm that the Black Egyptian community is forced to encounter. Sherif states,”African victims of racial discrimination in Egypt do not report the violations against them because they know there is no one to protect them. They escape in fear when they see cameras.”

Egyptian media portrays Black people as inferior.
According to the al-Araby al-Jadeed article, “representation of black people in cinema and other media has often historically been either marginal or racist.” Black men are always casted as doormen, cooks, servants, and drivers, while Black women often play the maid or the nanny. Even the Egyptian news media criminalizes the Black community. For instance, the article expresses that an Egyptian newspaper openly accused “’n****rs’ and ‘the [Black] terror gangs in Cairo’ of committing most crimes against activists and journalists.”

Black refugees are second-class citizens.
According to a 2013 article released by Aljazeera, “non-Arab,” or Black, refugees are forced to overcome “much more serious problems.” This is due to the fact that, in many cases, “most refugees in Egypt must remain in the country without identification or any means of subsistence for at least three years.” As a result, “they are forced into the dark economy, working illegally at cafes, on construction sites, and in other manual jobs where abuse is routine and they have little protection in law.” These Black refugees are not guaranteed an education, healthcare, legal protection, or employment. They are ultimately considered to be second-class citizens.

Pants Under The Buttocks, You Won’t Believe The Origin Of The ‘Now Rampant’ Dress Code Among Young Africans!!

According to information found on social networks and the web dressing with pants under the buttocks would have began in the US prisons.

At the time, prisoners who wished to have a relationship with other prisoners needed to invent a signal that would not be recognized by the geol- ogers. Thus, by partially showing their buttocks, they indicate that they were available to be taken in by their comrades.

Here is one of the origins of what has become a fashion phenomenon.

Sacked Black Doctor, Henry Bello, Kills One In Shooting Spree In Bronx Hospital Before Shooting Self!! (Photos)

A disgruntled doctor, Dr Henry Bello, a family physician who was fired from his job  at a Bronx hospital in 2015, hid a high powered rifle under a lab coat and had his ID with him when he walked into the hospital and started a shooting spree on  the 16th and 17th floors of the hospital, police sources say. He shot dead a female physician and seriously wounded six other doctors before setting himself on fire and shooting himself.
Dr. Bello opened fire at the Bronx Lebanon Hospital where he used to work at about 2.45pm on Friday.

Police Commissioner James O’Neill confirmed that the 45 year old died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound inside the building.
The shooter had tried to set himself on fire prior to fatally shooting himself. He staggered, bleeding, into a hallway where he collapsed and died with the rifle at his side. The body of the female victim, believed to be a doctor, was found next to him on the 17th floor. She was pronounced dead at the scene.
Five of the victims were seriously injured in the shooting rampage and one victim is being treated for a gunshot wound to their leg.
Law enforcement officials say Bello was allowed to resign from the hospital in 2015 amid sexual harassment allegations.
CBS New York reported that Bello was fired two years ago for harassing an employee. He reportedly went to the hospital to find the employee before opening fire on his former colleagues.
Witness Dione Morales, who has been a patient at the hospital for 17 years, told CBS New York the shooter had threatened to kill people back when he was fired.
‘He was let go because I guess they figured he was unstable. He said he was going to do this,’ she said. ‘He said he was going to kill people, two years ago when he was let go – two years… and now look what happened.’

In unrelated cases, Bello had been arrested in 2004 on a charge of sexual abuse after a 23-year-old woman told police Bello grabbed her, lifted her up and carried her off, saying, ‘you’re coming with me.’ He was arrested again in 2009 on a charge of unlawful surveillance, after two different women reported he was trying to look up their skirts with a mirror.

According to New York State Education Department records, Bello had a limited permit to practice as an international medical graduate to gain experience in order to be licensed. The permit was issued on July 1, 2014, and expired last year on the same day. A former colleague described Bello as a problematic employee. Bello ‘was very aggressive, talking loudly, threatening people. All the time he was a problem,’ said Dr. David Lazala, a family medicine doctor who said he trained Bello at Bronx Lebanon. He said Bello, who worked at night as a doctor, sent him a threatening email after Bello was fired.

Nothing But The Damn Devil: White Pastor Chokes 4 Month Year Black Baby In Wal-Mart!! (+Video)

Terrifying video of a white pastor choking a black baby inside what seems to be a wal-mart. Where exactly in this world tending to, what would the so called man of God said happened that actually pushed him to perpetrate such a wicked act, “the devil”, not again liar!!!!

‘Prost!tut!on Is A Nice Profession, Many Prost!tutes Will Make Heaven” – Ghanaian Reverend Encourages S*x Workers!!

Popular radio and television relationship counsellor, Reverend George Lutterodt, is in the news again, and this time has stated that prostitution is a decent profession and that many prostitutes will surely go to heaven.
The controversial cleric made the statement while speaking on Atinka TV’s morning show, ‘Ghana Nie’ hosted by Ama Gyenfa Ofosu Darkwah.
According to him, our daily life activities will not take us to heaven rather, our last moment before we depart from this earth will determine whether we will go to heaven or not.
He added that there will be three surprises in heaven; the surprise to see yourself in heaven, the surprise to see someone you least expected to be in heaven and the surprise of not seeing someone you thought should have been there.
According to the controversial counsellor , he’s scared of prostitutes because ‘ they usually stand in the dark and one would never know the kind of spirit dwelling in them.’

PHOTOS: 8 Christian Students Burnt To Death by Muslims for Blasphemy against Muhammad

No fewer than eight people have been burnt to death by a mob at Abdu Gusau Polytechnic, Talata
Mafara of Zamfara state as a result of alleged blasphemy against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by a student of college.

The incident occurred on Monday when a male student alleged to have committed a blasphemy during an exchange of words with a Muslim friend, a situation which caused tension in the school.
It was also learnt that a mob had penetrated into the house where the alleged person was said to be hiding to avoid being lynched.

After they gained entrance, they set the house ablaze along with seven other persons in it. .
Police in Zamfara state confirmed the incident and imposed an indefinite curfew in the town with a view to restoring peace in the area.Spokesman of the police in the state, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Shehu Muhammad, in a press statement, cautioned any person or group of persons found violating the curfew order to desist from doing so or they would be arrested and prosecuted.
The police then called on religious leaders in the state to engage their faithful to embrace peace and eschew violence of any kind for peaceful coexistence to thrive.
However, the authority of the polytechnic has closed down the institution with immediate effect for sanity