Somewhere In Africa!! Shocking Photo Of Woman Washing Utensils And A Child Defecating In The Same Lake!!
Here’s a picture of a woman washing kitchen utensils while another one washes a child who had defecated......
7 Disturbing Things To Know About Being Black In Modern Day Egypt!!
Black Egyptians experience racism daily.In their article, “Being black in Egypt,” Imogen Lambert and......
Pants Under The Buttocks, You Won’t Believe The Origin Of The ‘Now Rampant’ Dress Code Among Young Africans!!
According to information found on social networks and the web dressing with pants......
Sacked Black Doctor, Henry Bello, Kills One In Shooting Spree In Bronx Hospital Before Shooting Self!! (Photos)
A disgruntled doctor, Dr Henry Bello, a family physician who was fired from his job at a Bronx......
Nothing But The Damn Devil: White Pastor Chokes 4 Month Year Black Baby In Wal-Mart!! (+Video)
Terrifying video of a white pastor choking a black baby inside what seems to be a wal-mart. Where exactly......
‘Prost!tut!on Is A Nice Profession, Many Prost!tutes Will Make Heaven” – Ghanaian Reverend Encourages S*x Workers!!
Popular radio and television relationship counsellor, Reverend George Lutterodt, is in the news again,......
PHOTOS: 8 Christian Students Burnt To Death by Muslims for Blasphemy against Muhammad
No fewer than eight people have been burnt to death by a mob at Abdu Gusau Polytechnic, TalataMafara......