Tell how your life is better since you’re with him

Confess the positive changes that have taken your life since they are together.

Try new things together

It’s simple but so important. Nothing renews more love new experiences.

 Remember last

Take him to the place where they met or had their first date.

Be patient

Especially not reach conclusions based on just ideas, discuss problems and resuélvanlos.

Look at the stars together

There are few things as magical as the tranquility and romance of a night under the stars. I guarantee you will relax and will touch deep subjects under the moon.

Surprise him with a romantic dinner at home

If you have children, find a babysitter for a couple of hours and enjoy a romantic evening at home.

Ask him what his favorite little food and prepare it for him

Just in case it is true that love enters through the kitchen, consiéntelo and do remember the tastes of his childhood.

Give an erotic massage

should not necessarily lead to sex, concentrate on your pleasure and create intimacy together.

Be positive

Try to maintain a positive and cheerful outlook on life. Remember, joy is contagious!

Ask what makes you feel loved

We all feel love in a different way, even if you are doing what you think is right, he may not receive as you’d expect.

Do not be a single mom

As a woman is too easy to meet the care of others and forget about yours. If you have lost your personal identity, reencuéntrala looking for new things that inspire passion TO YOU.

Love yourself

If you feel your self-esteem is low, sit in a mirror and have a long conversation with yourself. It’s hard to inspire love when you yourself do not feel.

Let him romantic messages in unexpected places

As in the bathroom mirror or in your car. It’s not cheesy! you will draw a smile on his face.

Take a little sunshine together

It is believed that the sun helps your brain to transmit serotonin, the hormone that helps you have a better mood.
I know you who initiates sex
So you let him know that you want it as much as he to you and that will increase your male ego.
 Have appointments alone
Outside the home and untouched issues problems or concerns. Keep the conversation positive!

 To renew marriage vows

Fall in love and become married! No matter how long you married, the two feel their love is renewed.

 Do not hesitate to show affection in front of others

 Make love slowly

Do not do it just in a hurry. Take the time to enjoy privacy and 100 percent.

 Show that need your help

By natural instinct, the woman likes to feel desired and the man likes to feel needed. Let him do things for you even if you can do them alone