Trust yourself

Really. It may seem secondary, but important: have confidence in yourself. The kids love it ! You can not imagine what excites you see a guy you move safely in bed … even if it ‘s a lie!
Even if you are not too clear how to act once in bed, take it with a sense of humor. Do not look insecure and do you think you know what you do. Believe us, a girl with self-confidence is something super sexy. Another tip is to learn to enjoy yourself, the better you know the more you’ll enjoy and delight in bed. These toys can be a great help.

Learn to accept criticism

Knowing accept criticism is a skill that will come in a great time in your life … and in bed! It is very difficult to accept criticism without getting angry or pouting, but you need to make an effort.
No one likes to be told what is bad, but sometimes it is the best option. It is preferable to switch to time to find out last bull … so you can change it ! Take it with philosophy and think that nobody is perfect.
You can also do the same: if your partner does something you do not like do not tell cuts. Confidence and s the basis for any successful sexual intercourse.

Take humor

Having a sense of humor and can laugh even if you are in a sexual situation is an advantage fundamental. How much sooner you accept that , the better, chances are that at some point something happens rare and have to take it with humor.
May bump heads or biting the tongue accidentally, or may sound a strange noise … a thousand things! In any case, something weird will happen sooner or later, and mortify therefore will not help anyone … it’s the best laugh! If your child sees that you can take with humor sex enjoy more and be able to experience what they want without fear that it is rare. One more reason to have a sense of humor: laugh tense muscles down there.
And for these situations occur, it is best to innovate and out of bed …

Make her feel special

Make your partner feel special should be your number one priority. The rest of the list is important, but less than this. Surveys have shown that having sex with someone is much more pleasant when there are feelings involved.

Obviously, this is not true for everyone, but most of us do we think that having sex with someone who cares about you sex leads to a higher level.
It is possible that the two have had several partners before, but let them know that no one is more special than he and who is with you most enjoy in bed. You will love.

Tell how you like

If you buy a table and have to ride, as normal is to read the instructions before (at least that makes most people) … and the same goes for sex! To have good relationships most people need a little guide first. Tell him what you like!
Do not wait to discover it by himself, as it could take months. When they are in the act say what you want me to do. A bawdy conversation and give you pleasure and you will excite much more enjoyable. No one can know exactly how you like if you do not give some advice or directions, so do not feel embarrassed. Whisper just what you want and see that everything starts to go smoothly.
 Let yourself go

If you’re holding during sex for any reason you are not enjoying. It’s that simple! Stop thinking all the time about what you’re doing and face that puts you as you do and enjoy. It is quite likely that orgasms of both resent if you’re holding … so don’t!
Don’t be afraid to put weird faces or scream if what comes from inside you. Stop worrying so much about neighbors and worry about you! Out with inhibitions! From the moment you let go and to enjoy both will enjoy sex much more.
Now that you’ve reached the end of the article you are already an expert. Put into practice what you have learned during these minutes and see how your sex life improves dramatically. To enjoy!

Tell how much you want

We will not beat around the bush. Let her know how excited you and your sexual life will improve substantially. Nobody wants to have sex with someone who appears to do by obligation. If you get the feeling that your guy thinks ever look at him with desire and show you crazy.
Those who say it is the man who is always the first step not know of what they speak. Try it sometime: tell how much you want and take control. You will see your reaction when you take the initiative. His eyes cast fire!

You gain experience

You know what one of the main reasons why men say that a woman is bad in bed? All due to a bad disposition when experimenting in the bedroom.
We’re not saying you have to do what he wants, when he wants and how he wants. Rather we mean to keep an open mind. Show him in bed you’re not afraid to experiment and that you will not judge by what you want to do … and you like it ! E s important to have a relationship of respect and trust.
Any healthy sex life requires talking with your partner fantasies they have and be willing to explore new things. When you suggest something you have not tried before did not immediately say no, think … it can be fun! For example, one of the great battles in this sense is anal sex. If you refuse systematically think twice next time, just like you much more than you expect.

 Not everything is sex

Even in bed, sex is not everything. Perhaps the main attraction, but try to look at things in perspective. There ‘s more!
Pass your hand through her hair when she does something really sure likes! An interesting option is to not go directly to action (although many men want), but take some time to warm up the atmosphere and be both very excited. After you enjoy twice!
In the little details is the key. Pay attention to your entire body, not accord the preliminaries over the odds for an unforgettable experience. The atmosphere that is also critical. For example, try to light some incense or a scented candle or use an appropriate soundtrack. These songs to make love are perfect for that moment.

Do not be selfish

The worst quality you can have sex is to be selfish. Avoid! Do not let him do all the work, just as he can not expect you to do it all. It’s about two!